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Do I need a business plan

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How long should a business plan be?

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Where do I start?

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  • November 7 2023
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Software Development in Africa (Conclusion)

The software development industry is growing in Nigeria due to high back-end developer’s demand. According to some research I came across, nearly 30% of jobs on a major engineering employment platform were asking for back-end engineers, front-end developers made up about 23% of this demand. Also, full-stack and mobile developers each made up about 20%

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Software Development in Africa

Hi there! It’s good to have you here, my name is Bolu from Simplex Business Solution. We have seen the effect of Software development in Africa’s economy and growth. Therefore, it is important we share an insight on this topic.

What is a Software?

A set of computer programs and associated documentation and data. This is in contrast to hardware from which the system is built, and which actually performs its work.

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